Articles & Video
- Skelton, Rebecca. (2002) Exploring Counter Balance: Aligning the roles of Dance Artist, Educator and Researcher within Higher Education. Finding the Balance: Dance in Further and Higher Education in the 21st Century. Conference Proceedings at Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom. June 2002
- Regarding the Nature of
Process in the Skinner Releasing Technique
(Robert Davidson, 1979) (PDF) - Gaby Agis & Joe Moran (2002), In Its Purest Form (PDF): a rare insight into the work of Joan Skinner, in Animated, Winter 2002, Foundation for Community Dance, p. 20-22
- Kirsty Alexander (2003), Unravelling the Dance: an exploration of dance’s underdeveloped relationship with its kinaesthetic nature, with particular reference to Skinner Releasing Technique (PDF): paper presented at the New Connectivity Conference, London: Laban
- Kirsty Alexander (2001), You can’t make a leaf to grow by stretching it (PDF): some notes on the philosophical implications of Skinner Releasing Technique, in Performance Journal 18 Winter/ Spring, Centre for Movement Research in New York, p. 8-9
- Bridget Davis (1970), Releasing into Process: Joan Skinner and the use of imagery in the teaching of dance, A.B. University of Illinois, unpublished Masters theses (only available in hard copy; $20 + $5 shipping)
- Will Hobson (1997), Releasing Sensibilities: Joan Skinner in conversation with Gaby Agis, in Dance Theatre Journal, Volume 13 No.3, Spring 1997.
- Rebecca Skelton (2003), Travelling from the middle through the middle, paper presented at the New Connectivity Conference, London: Laban. Available from Laban Library Services.
- Joan Skinner (1999), Skinner Releasing Technique in Allinson (ed), The Illustrated Encyclopaedia of body-mind disciplines, Rosen Publishing Group, p. 265-267
- Joan Skinner, Bridget Davis, Robert Davidson, Kris Wheeler & Sally Metcalf (1979), Skinner Releasing Technique: Imagery and its Application to Movement Training, in Contact Quarterly, volume V.1 Fall 1979
- Stephanie Skura (2006), Mind Your Body, in Dance Magazine, June 2006
- Stephanie Skura (1990), Releasing Dance: an interview with Joan Skinner, in Contact Quarterly, Fall 1990, p. 11-18.
- Joe Moran (2006), Quiet Unfolding: Skinner Releasing Technique in Britain
- Sally Metcalf (2003), What is Process? (PDF)
Videographer: Terry Moyemont
Musician: Guy Yarden
Dancers: DD Dorvillier, Jennifer Monson, Yvonne Meier,
Ishmael Houston Jones, Annie Iobst, Jennifer Lacey, David Zambrano
For videos shipped in the U.S. and Canada:
$20 plus $5 shipping and handling ($25)
For videos shipped outside the U.S. and Canada:
$20 plus $10 for shipping and handling ($30)
NTSC and PAL versions available; at this time, videos are available in VHS format only